Grandma Lucy’s Case Study
Grandma Lucy’s regularly leveraged geo-targeted ads to maximize local engagement, and this project emerged when a retailer in Colorado requested a customized ad set tailored to their region. While the brand’s creative had traditionally drawn inspiration from the Orange County aesthetic, we recognized the need for a different approach to resonate with the Colorado audience. To capture the adventurous and natural spirit of the area, we developed a new ad set with these elements in mind. The results were striking—this set not only outperformed all other ads served across the U.S., but also attracted attention from neighboring retailers. This project underscored the importance of understanding your audience, as not all ads are universally effective. While the sunny, coastal theme thrived on the West Coast, the mountain-inspired creative proved far more successful in Colorado.
Ad Theme: “Colorado Geo-targeted Ad”
Ad Placement: Instagram & Facebook
Impressions: Over 1 Million
Allergy Defender Case Study
This series, created for Rankify’s client - Allergy Defender - is just one example of successful ad sets that I have been fortunate enough to create on my freelance venture. Working with Rankify was a pleasure, and together, we were able to create something completely unique from the typical creative that Allergy Defender was producing.
Ad Theme: Clean & Educational
Ad Placement: Instagram, Facebook, Google Ads
Impressions: Unknown